I decided to do this web site for my Dad, who died April 22, 2003. Yes, it's a very personal thing, but as I reminisced and looked through all these pictures, I realized there was much more here than just him. These family photos that I had seen a thousand times while growing up, represent a bygone era of magic.
         While there are new generations of young men and women who still gather around kitchen tables to perfect a shuffle or multiple card lift, they are surrounded in spirit by those before them.
         My dad was cremated and buried in the National Veteran's Cemetery in Boulder, Nevada, near my parents' Las Vegas home where he spent the last 15 years of his life. Thanks to our dear friend Casey Balt who made the suggestion, my Dad was cremated with two decks of cards.
        If there's no smoking in Heaven, my Dad and Ed are surely sneaking a puff somewhere, cards in hand, working on that new sleight.
        God will have to ask Jack Gwynne how they did it!
        Thanks for stopping by and I love hearing from other close-up artists and magicians, so drop a line!

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Art at home in Oak Lawn, c. 1964

Me and Dad at a magic show, playing with some linking rings

Magic Guests at the red house on Central Avenue About Magician Art Weygandt Cardician Ed Marlo Kitchen Table Home Movies Legendary Faro Shuffle Tale Linking Ring
1955 - 1963
Other Magic Sites
All movies are from the personal collection of Art and Rose Weygandt. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
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