Magic Friends at the little red house on Central Avenue. . .


This was our house at 8929 S. Central Ave. in Oak Lawn. My folks bought it in 1955 for $14,500. They lived there until they retired in Las Vegas in 1988.

It was here that our magic friends gathered. Almost all of them at one time or another, sat in the crowded kitchen or in the living room. No one seemed to mind the humble surroundings. It was just a chance to share with others the thing they all loved most -- magic.

Meet some other local magicians

Meet some very dear friends


Hammond Ring 121, The Living Room in Oak Lawn

The Kitchen Table in Oak Lawn

The Royal Family of Magic, Daddy Jack and Anne

The Reluctant Harem Girl

Jay Marshall, "one of the better, cheaper acts."

Magic Shows and Magic Friends

About Magician Art Weygandt

Cardician Ed Marlo

Hear Ed Singing!

Kitchen Table Home Movies Legendary Faro Shuffle Tale Linking Ring
1955 - 1963
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All movies are from the personal collection of Art and Rose Weygandt. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.
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